
Jamaican Black Castor Oil


Jamaican Black Castor Oil have a quality that you can trust.

Helps moisturize and soften cuticles. Restore the health of dry skin with just a few drops of this special premium oil. Suitable for all skin types.

The clean and refreshing scent of Mango & Papaya is loved by people all over the world.

  • We select only the finest Jamaican castor beans and blend them with essential oils to create a unique blend.
  • Perfect for aromatherapy and essential for daily use.
    Nutrients replenish moisture to the hair, suppressing dandruff and itchiness caused by dry scalp.
  • The perfect oil to revitalize your hair roots, revitalize hair growth, and restore shine and vitality to damaged, dull hair.
  • Instantly hydrates and absorbs natural healing properties for healthy, supple skin.